fredag 27 november 2015

Do you remember ..

Do you remember ..

When we climbed those rooftops, in the sunrise, and in sunset, drinking sparkling wine,
laughing our lungs out when we stumbled back down the ladder, without being seen,
at least we thought so.

When we cycled those streets of Gothenburg, all those times you waited for me at that bridge, when we stopped in the middle of freezing winter just because I wanted to look at the ice floes letting go following the stream back to the ocean.

Do you remember

When we sat sail and headed for bigger adventures, all those dreams we had.. all those hopes.

Do you remember when I forced you to take morning swims in the ocean with me even thou it was freezing cold, how we played at those children playgrounds, how embarrassed you where when you lent my computer which has this tag saying "I was here and Im queer" in that bar in Scotland.

Do you remember

When I danced naked on the beach and you filmed me and than put music to it..

Do you remember

When you cried the whole night, and there was nothing I could do to make it better.

When we talked whole nights through, just putting out the same words over and over again until they made no sense anymore.

Do you remember all those times Ive called you crying, not able to say anything that makes any sense and still you kept listening and after awhile everything felt better again.

Do you remember

Our last kiss ..

'Cause I do. And I think it was beautiful.

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